
NEW Industrisement (CEM II/A-L 42,5 R)

The new Industrisement from Brevik will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 706 kg/tonne to 658 kg/tonne. The large greenhouse gas reduction is mainly achieved by reducing the clinker content and increasing the limestone filler content in the cement. This means that the cement type is changed from CEM I to CEM II/A-L according to NS-EN 197. NS-EN 197.

To ensure that the cement continues to have high early strength, the clinker part of the cement is ground finer than today's Industrisement. 1-day strength will be around 31 MPa and 28-day strength around 54 MPa. Mouldability/water requirement and colour will be similar to today's Industrisement.

Change in conditions of use
The transition from CEM I to CEM II leads to a change in two conditions:

- The maximum mass ratio in M60 will be 0.50 (ref. NS-EN 206+NA, table NA.12). For M45/MF45 and M40/MF40, documentation has been carried out with mass ratios of 0.45 and 0.40 so that the cement fulfils the same requirements as today's Industrisement 

- The cement cannot be used in the SuR (Sulphate Resistant) classes (ref. NS-EN 206+NA, table NA.13). 
In the production of SuR concrete, a binder with Standardsement FA with extra added fly ash/silica can be used, so that the content of limestone filler is less than 5% of the total binder content. Alternatively, Anleggsement FA can be used since the limestone filler content is below 5% in this cement.